Write papers about (Law enforcement :Cyber Crime), including; History,Case studies and Future of technology.

I want u to write papers about (Law enforcement :Cyber Crime), including the following:

1- History: a- what promoted the development. b- Initial development. c- early models. d- Evolution of technology from inception to present. e- Early impact on justice system.
2- Case studies: a- Historical case study: earliest case study of technology usage. b- Modern case study: How is it used today. c- Unsuccessful case study: was there a failure of the technology? d- Successful case study: describe a successful case in which the technology assisted.
3- Future of technology item: a- what uses will the technology have in the future? b- will the technology item continue to evolve as technology in general improve? c- are there other applications for the technology item?

feel free to ask me for further questions