What legal issue or topic was the case about (medical malpractice, negligence, etc.).
Order Description
Provide a PowerPoint Presentation on a legal healthcare case or issue that has made the local or national news. This issue, story, or legal case should preferably be recent but not more than 3 years old. The following points should be addressed in this presentation:
what legal issue or topic was the case about (medical malpractice, negligence, etc.)
when it became news
details of the case (who was involved)
when did the harm or complaint occur and did it settle? (who won)
why this case is important to the healthcare industry
how does this case or situation impact healthcare organizations, the plaintiff, the defendant, or both
a summary of the case
The slides are to include notes pages for each slide.
Please reference any materials in your presentation on a reference slide; any tables, pictures, etc. that are not your own must be referenced on the slide and on your reference slide(s). You may be as creative as you wish (within reason and legal limits) with design, colors, format, fonts, etc. Limit the presentations to no more than 15, including the title slide and reference slide(s). Include information similar to the cover page on your title slide and a summary slide.