Using the excerpt from Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography, My Beloved World (2013), develop a well-organized analytical essay that explains how the text reveals the unresolved contradictions of American history and the persistence of ideologies that threaten the founding promise of equal opportunity for all (Dr. King’s “promissory note”).
The Writing Task:
Using the excerpt from Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography, My Beloved World (2013), develop a
well-organized analytical essay that explains how the text reveals the unresolved contradictions
of American history and the persistence of ideologies that threaten the founding promise of equal
opportunity for all (Dr. King’s “promissory note”).
You may use Justice Sotomayor’s Dissent in the Schuette v. BAMN decision for additional
evidence. This document is posted in the Handouts drawer of the DOC 3 webpage: (Pay particular attention to pages 1-2, 6-7, 39, 44-
46, 52, and 57-58.)
You also may make reference to relevant DOC texts from earlier in the year, but be sure to
maintain your focus on Sotomayor’s autobiography as excerpted in this quarter’s reader.
Your paper must:
Develop an analysis of textual evidence that places it in a wider context
Include correctly formatted in-text citations and a works cited page
Use appropriate racial terminology for the 21
Be edited for basic spelling and punctuation errors
Be approximately 5-6 pages in length
Be typed, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins, 11 or 12 point font, with an appropriate
heading and title