Prepare a six to ten page paper (excluding the title and reference page), which details the entire criminal justice process for a felony criminal charge filed in a state court.

Prepare a six to ten page paper (excluding the title and reference page), which details the entire criminal justice process for a felony criminal charge filed in a state court. Your paper will include all of the steps between arrest through pre-trial, trial, and appeals (both state and federal appeal possibilities). You must address contingencies for each stage of the proceedings and examine all possible outcomes. Your paper should be organized chronologically for how the process occurs, and provide analyses of how constitutional protections for the defendant work at each stage of the proceeding. Provide critical analyses, where appropriate, of whether the system effectively deals with criminal prosecutions, or whether changes or improvements are required. You may ask questions of your professor in either the classroom’s “Questions and Concerns” discussion board area or through email. Students can supplement their papers with interviews of people involved in the criminal justice field which will lend credibility to the research paper and the findings presented.