Define leadership and how it has become important to the Saudi Arabian women (since it is known that the Saudi Arabian woman barely has any rights).

Describe what leadership means to you. What qualities do you have that make you a leader? Describe and evaluate one experience, during the last four years, that has significantly influenced your academic goals.
Define leadership and how it has become important to the Saudi Arabian women (since it is known that the Saudi Arabian woman barely has any rights) link leadership to the fact that as soon as a woman gains a quality education she is given freedom to become a leader in this country, and that is why it is important to me because i am from those women. My qualities include that strength to fight for what I believe in, engaging with diverse people from all over the world, having been in programs such as student council and service club as President…etc.
One experience would have to be my transition from the normal school diploma to the most rigorous diploma available to high school students (The IB Diploma) it helped me grow in character and broaden my view on many aspects.