– Make one graph from this data
– Write about this graph and data, assuming that your audience don’t know what they’re looking at.
When I say to make a graph, I don’t mean that you have to use all the data in this set. Just pick a certain subset of the information, and make a graph that is intended to show something about this data set. Consider the principles of what would be an effective graph — it doesn’t need to be pretty (in terms of color), but it does need to be comprehensible.
In what you write, it should be less than a page (and definitely less than 1000 words) — it should identify the source of the data, and should “tell a story” about what is going on in the data. Point out what is interesting or notable about the result (and if it’s boring/unsurprising, you should note that as well). What is being shown by the graph?
Census 2000 Name Tables.xlsx
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