Write a research paper on the global social justice issue.
“Research Paper on the global social justice issue”
Most of our course deals with the Western philosophic tradition. Therefore, to achieve some degree of inclusiveness, your research paper should deal with a social justice issue in a Mid-eastern, Asian or African nation. You can get ideas for your paper from Half the Sky (Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn) or the DVD movie of the same name, or the “Half the Sky Movement” (Use Google.com and find out about the issues raised in Half the Sky and what can be done about these social justice issues. Kristof and WuDunn investigate social justice issues in Asia, Africa and the mid-East.
CRITERIA for grading the paper: The paper requires at least three print sources and three internet sources in the bibliography. Length: at least five (5) pages, double spaced. Be sure to include possible solutions to the issue you choose report upon.
You can Look at the following websites and investigate some of the social justice issues you might want to explore for your research paper. Choose an issue that will help you acquire an understanding of the problems facing the Mideast, Asia and Africa nations and cultures. Your paper should include three sources from the internet and three sources from print media. Some sources may be (http://www.karamah.org; www.kiva.org; http://www.womeninislam.org/about.html; http://violenceisnotourculture.org/; www.ecpat.net; www.ednahospital.org; www.womenforwomen.org; www.womensrefugeecommission.org; www.womensworldbanking.org.
Recommended also: read portions of Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (New York: Alfred A. Knopp, 2010). Action on social justice issues generates understanding of the problems and, “once people see that there are solutions, they will be more willing to help in myriad other ways” (Kristof and WuDunn, p. 248). You can find portions of this book on the internet.
So my professor will grade the paper like the following :
Grading of your paper is as follows: 20% for your use of internet sources; 20% for your use of print resources; 20 % on the clarity of your reporting on the particular social justice issue you have chosen to research; 20% on your proposed solution(s) to the issue; 20% on the way you have included the ideas of philosophers studied in the course.