Write a report of no more then 3-4 pages, which summarizes (10 pts): Your three jobs and why/how you selected them .

CAREER ASSIGNMENT – 5% of Grade (30 pts)
0. Pre-assignment
Find three companies you would like to work for and look at job descriptions; register with ‘Hire Centennial’; if you are sure then print off the three job desc. of interest
Attend the in-class presentation from career services the week of Jan 19-23
1. Research XYZ company(s) and find three Jobs and the job descriptions in which you are interested. You will then proceed to do the following (10 pts):
Print and keep these job descriptions (download a pdf or MS doc if possible)
Update (or create) a resume and a skills bank (skills, talents & achievements) re: summarize your strengths or skills
A list of weaknesses or general skill gaps is also a good idea
Review each job and determine what your skill gap may be in terms of education and experience
Chart a plan of action to fill the skill gaps; include timelines; costs if available; other actions required to support plan (Eg. Job as a IA within 12-18 months earning $50,000 will support pursuit of MBA part-time, within 18-24 months)
2. Arrange to interview someone doing the job (from the three selected) in which you are most interested (10 pts)
Arrange the interview within the next 3-4 weeks (earlier is fine)
Make 10 interview questions in preparation (send these to the interviewee in advance)
Get help from career services, if you are unsure of appropriate questions
This is an ‘informational’ interview
Ask about the job
How the interviewee proceeded through their career
Suggestions for your career path
If time, do a mock interview with either your group or career services
3. Write a report of no more then 3-4 pages, which summarizes (10 pts):
Your three jobs and why/how you selected them (did you use some criteria?)
Your skills gap for each of these jobs and how you plan to fill this gap
Use of a Gant Chart or a table to show actions with time lines
Your interview. What happened? What did you learn? How did the interview inform your action plan?
Your action plan as a table or Gant Chart; Interview questions; Resume and skills bank (also weaknesses); list of skill gaps; the three job descriptions should all be includes in your appendices and properly referenced in your report
Use 12 pt Arial font; double spaced; APA for any references
Hard copy at start of class on due date (Lose 1% per day late)
Submission of electronic version to dropbox (Turnitin is in effect)