Write a report of 1000 words on one type of alternative energy (solar, HEP, wave, tidal, wind etc.)
Write a report of 1000 words.
Choose one type of alternative energy (solar, HEP, wave, tidal, wind etc.)
It should include the following:
Introduction – what is your report about? Where will you get your information?
Description of the alternative energy production
• Where is it used? (UAE, global, in water, on land? Include a map)
• How does it work? Use diagrams and pictures
• How much energy is produced? Use statistics/graphs
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• The future of this type of alternative energy
• What have you learned?
• Your opinion of this type of energy.
Name: Abdulla Kalib
HCT ID: H00269332
Course Code: LSC 2183
Instructor: Julie Wallace
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