Write a critical response to a pair of articles that discuss the destruction of the of the Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban in 2001.
Write a critical response to a pair of articles that discuss the destruction of the of the Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban in 2001. The response paper consists of your close examination of the texts and the questions they raise. While you may choose to focus your paper on one of the articles, you should think comparatively about both articles, and it should be clear from your paper that you read both articles carefully and considered the issues that they raise. links to the articles:<br /> ⦁ http://proxy.nss.udel.edu:2123/stable/3177288⦁ <⦁ br /> <br /> ⦁ https://sakai.udel.edu/access/content/group/c6295e09-9c8f-4662-9e6d-6cd70504fe6e/Handouts%20for%20Presentation%20and%20Critical%20Response/spivey_shrines%20of%20infidels.pdf⦁ <⦁ b–I.D is dwolfe and my password is dpw41590