What situation do you feel that managers or leadership violate ethical rights of their employees?

1. The climate of an organization is important for a manager to understand because, it deals with the “here and now” incorporating employees expectations for communication, trust, rules and regulations. Research has shown that the way employees perceive ethical climate “was positively related to job satisfaction, trust in the organization and organizational commitment”. (Byoung, Hyoung & Wook, 2013) If a manger successfully obtains insight on the organizations climate, they are likely to become a manager that instills trust and fosters commitment to and satisfaction within the organization. A successful ethical climate is important to not only the owners and managers but also employees because an organizations ethical climate, can be interpreted as a reflection of the companies moral values. An ethical person would want to work for an organization with high values. As a manager the understanding of the organizations ethical culture and climate can be very influential on their managing styles. If both the culture and climate are positive the manager should shadow them in his/her actions. Any thoughts?? 2. Senior leaders that have a good understanding of the organizational culture can be much more effective as leaders and managers. Initiatives for both human resource management and productivity can be managed to achieve both leaders and employee needs if the decision makers have an in-depth understanding of the organizational culture. Understanding organizational culture is one of the corner stones to a successful leader, “Successful leaders exert their influence through a managerial and organizational culture” (Sergiu, 2015). In addition to organizational strategy, managing resources within organizations needs to be focused on areas that provide the largest return on investment, both culture and customers. All three areas have to be aligned; customers, strategy, and culture (Hamid & Jabbari, 2012). What are your comments in agreement or disagreement of the above? 3. The ideas behind Organizational Spirituality varies depending on the literature being reviewed. Would you equate Organizational Spirituality to personal religious beliefs? 4. The largest breach of ethical decisions comes from ethical selfishness. There is a fine line between putting yourself and organization above all, without violating your employees ethical rights. In your opinion, what situation do you feel that managers or leadership violate ethical rights of their employees? 5. Can you give two example of crises in which management communicated effectively with a diverse employee pool? 6.In so many work places today, there are so many cultures! How can anyone possibly be sensitive to them all? Is there a way to be culturally sensitive without knowing the ins and outs of each culture? In an emergency — say a factory burning down — how can an expatriate manager, be effective in alerting employees and surrounding neighborhoods? 7. Effective messaging would include, language training, proper distribution and availability of literature as well as the availability for native speakers to message in native language in order to meet the strategies and goals within the crisis communications plan. “If citizens do not trust authorities and their communicators, it is very hard to reach and influence them during a crisis situation” (Falkheimer & Heide, 2006, p. 182). Priority is for all citizens and or organizational members to be properly informed in the stages before, during, and after a crisis. By building solid relationships and ensuring messaging occurs, one can ensure that my organizations sensitivity and approachability towards the many cultures is maintained. Any more thoughts on this? Please provide one reference for each question and respons with more than 100 words per question.