submit a document examining the roles played by various parts of the American political system in connection with the passage and implementation of the Affordable Healthcare Act (better known as “Obamacare”) passed in March, 2010.
The project for this course consists of two group papers examining the American Political System in action. Each group will submit a document examining the roles played by various parts of the American political system in connection with the passage and implementation of the Affordable Healthcare Act (better known as “Obamacare”) passed in March, 2010.
In this submission, each group will examine the part played by the decision making/implementing core: the President,Bureaucracy, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Also, in this paper, consider the role of federalism.
NOTICE: the Supreme Court and Bureaucracy part are NOT needed in your job. So just do the President, congress and feedback (3 parts, at least 2pages each part)
And at least additional 2 research sources are required for EACH PART.
I will upload extra instructions as attachments. PLEASE do write the introduction and conclusion for us, you CAN mention the supreme court part in the intro and conclusion (court is another group member’s job)