Prepare a two to three page report titled “Environmental Sustainability in the EU”. The report should be based on the publicly available information that you obtained. You may use the report published by the European Commission.
1.Prepare a two to three page report titled “Environmental Sustainability in the EU”. The report should be based on the publicly available information that you obtained. You may use the report published by the European Commission.
2.Compose your report in Microsoft Word following APA guidelines. Please include your name, the assignment name and number, the course and section number, and the date on your title page. The report should contain all sources you utilized in its preparation, properly cited according to the APA guidelines.
3.You need to include the following sections in your report: a.An overview of the environmental sustainability: definition, application and the latest developments.
b.Externalities associated with non-renewable energy use.
c.Renewable energy sources and their future: •Pick a type of a renewable energy resource
•Provide a brief overview of the resource and the current state of the technology
•Provide an outlook for future usage the resource
d.An overview of your assigned country’s potential “Turkey” for using the resource
e.Conclusion – environmental sustainability as a source of continuous economic growth.