Prepare a report summarizing what the textbook describes about early stage financing vs what you can find out about these alternative sources of funds for start-up.

Since your textbook was written there have been many new start-ups that have come into the market using the Internet and social media to raise funds. These activities fall under the heading of peer-to-peer lending, crowd sourcing, or micro finance. Put yourself in the position of someone raising money for a start-up business. Prepare a three page written report summarizing what the textbook describes about early stage financing vs what you can find out about these alternative sources of funds for start-up. Identify concerns that you might have. Textbook Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11th edition by Stephen
Ross, Randolph Westerfield and Bradford Jordan. If you cannot find one online, contact me ASAP so that I can give you some screen shot of the related chapter.