How is it possible for these deficient mice to differ in web-cell apoptosis?

First of all, you should read module 7 in order to solve assignment. This assignment is composed of two parts and each part has its own question. Please write them in easy grammar structure along with simple vocabulary. Provide me an excellent quality on both and I will promise you that I will complete working with you. Show me that. Remember that I order this as master degree and with top writer do not let me feel upset.
Please do not write anything without explanation.

Mice that are defective for Apaf1 (Apaf1-/-) or for caspase -9 (Casp9-/-) die around the time of birth and exhibit a characteristic set of abnormalities, including brain overgrowth and crainal protursions. Why do you suppose such abnormalities arise in these deficient mice?

In contrast to their similar brain abnormalities, the newborn mice that are defective for Apaf1 (Apaf1-/-) or for caspase -9 (Casp9-/-) have distinctive abnormalities in their paws. Apaf1 deficient mice fail to eliminate the webs between their developing digits, whereas caspase-9 deficient mice have normally formed digits (Figure 2).
If Apaf1 and caspase-9 function in the same apoptotic pathway, how is it possible for these deficient mice to differ in web-cell apoptosis?