How are laws changing regarding sick leave?
1. How are laws changing regarding sick leave?
2. Why are the changing sick leave laws a problem for some companies? Offer two examples from the article.
3. What are the advantages of offering paid sick days for employees? Offer two ideas from the article.
You must use source from the article i provide for question 2 and 3, For question 1, use 1 source and can be outside source, question 2 and 3 can only use source from the article i provide.
Remember, question 2 and 3 each need two examples, so only use example provide from the article
I am sorry that i miss some instruction for the essay.
Paper will need to contain:
• Brief overview of the article
• Discussion of the HR Practice Area identified in the article and how the practice area is used to support the strategic goals of an organization.
• Answer the questions assigned ( The three questions i provided in the order)
• Your responses