finish the sentence: Our media would be better if we employed cooperative argumentation because…
use the SAME FORMAT like the 45707422 order 5 please follow the instructions carefully
topic: Our media would be better if we employed cooperative argumentation because…
Statement: write the prompt EXACTLY as it appears and finish the sentence. for example: begin with -Our media would be better if we employed cooperative argumentation because…(3 points/thesis)- 1 paragraph
Elaboration: Begin with ” In other words….” explain the first sentence. 1 paragraph
Evidence: Begin with ” For example…” and provide evidence for your first sentence. this evidence MUST come from the reading (1-2 sources), outside reading, current events, ect.( max 3 sources)
Be sure to site in APA in text and on a reference page. 1 paragraph
Illustration: Begin with ” This is like ….” and make a comparison. It would be especially enriching if you were to be able to pick a popular culture, political, or other real world artifact as a point of comparison.
first, essay should be thoughtful. second, essay should be responsive. directly and narrowly. third, should be engaged,developed and clear. 2 full pages. please write it as an essay formats.
Notes: at least ONE source from the reading M&M.. i will upload chapter 3 from the Makau, J. M., & Marty, D.L. (2001). Cooperative argumentation: A model for deliberative community. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. (M&M)