Explain what the analyst has to do to better understand the financial condition/performance of the companies/company.
GAAP permits alternatives, requires estimates, and incorporates management judgments.
That gives the financial analyst a challenge in comparing several companies in the same industry, or in forecasting the business of a company.
In the chapters assigned to you, choose one example of the challenge the analyst faces, then explain what the analyst has to do to better understand the financial condition/performance of the companies/company.
1. Your report is one to three pages, double space.
2. Please print on one side and staple pages together.
3. It can be free format.
4. Please include a brief summary.
6. Use of Tables, Graphs, and Equations in your analysis is recommended.
7. I evaluate your report by checking, 1) the accuracy of the content, 2) the flow of the logic, and 3) neatness.