Explain how we might choose to name the crisis; i.e is it a tsunami, a war, a plague, a meltdown, a credit crisis, a confidence crisis, a global disaster?
Name the crisis� in your own way. Using evidence from the essay, argue for how we might choose to name it; i.e. is it a tsunami, a war, a plague, a meltdown, a credit crisis, a confidence crisis, a global disaster? What other terms might be appropriate? The essay should be in three parts: a summary of Paumgarten�s essay; a description of some of the terms and stories that have been used to �name the crisis�; a suggestion of your own about what the crisis should be called. In making your case, you need to recognize the power of words to narrate reality: the word (or words) you choose is/are making an interpretation of events that is at the same time a narrative judgement that involves characterization (who are the villians? the good guys?) and plot (what was the turning point? Have we reached a climax?). Your essay may also consider whether your �name� comes from your own experience of the changing financial conditions: have you had a harder time getting a loan? Have you or someone you know lost a job or a house? How do these experiences change how you see, know or narrate the crisis?