Explain how the subject of your chosen area of practice relates to the scope of practice depending on your planned career trajectory in the near future (approximately 750 words).

Order Description

Evidence for expanded practice
My Current area of practice: General surgical ward: urology, plastics, Breast and endocrine
My Chosen area of expanded practice: Assessment and management of post-operative pain
Assessment 2 requires you to explore the literature related to your area of expanded practice. You should search multiple databases and select the articles based on the relevance to your area of expanded practice. Following each annotation, you need to write a short conclusive statement about how this supports your new skill and potential benefits of your expanded practice. This means that you need to be careful in the included articles, ideally, they should be research focused (primary or secondary research) and you need to show how the findings are linked to your expanded practice topic. Be careful not to include too many commentaries as these are someone else\’s argument not yours.
You also need to include details about how your expanded area of practice is related to your current scope of practice and your planned career trajectory. This follows the 10 annotations.
Assessment 2: Evidence for expanded practice (40%)
This assessment item will entail the collection of evidence to support the elements of your contract project. This will include two components:

i) an annotated bibliography with at least 10 references followed by a conclusive statement, that argues for the new skill and the potential benefits of your extended practice for patients or health professionals. Examples of an annotated bibliography can be found on the e-Learning site under Assessments (each reference should be discussed within approximately 200-250 words).

ii) an examination of how the subject of your chosen area of practice relates to the scope of practice depending on your planned career trajectory in the near future (approximately 750 words).


References are highly appropriate or represent the best available literature. References skilfully chosen and discussed to support a persuasive argument for the project.

APA 6th formatting and organisation of content meets the stated specifications to a high degree. There is an excellent level of logical flow to the content.

The literature is critically appraised, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of the methodological rigour for the chosen papers This in turn, is used to discuss what conclusions may be drawn from the findings.

Outstanding level of scholarly

The literature is synthesised into discussion in formulating a new argument. The discussion constructs and builds a new concept or point of view about the topic based on the veracity of the information and its applicability to the new skill

Sophisticated examination of how the topic relates to scope of practice for the Advanced RN or NP, with evidence supporting planned career trajectory
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