Discuss Symbolism in Hills Like White Elephants

Symbolism in Hills Like White Elephants will be a RESEARCH ESSAY. Instead of using your opinions, you’ll find three criticisms to cite in the paper (A criticism is an essay, chapter, or article that analyzes, explains, or interprets different aspects of the story; the term criticism doesn’t suggest negative ideas.)The paper should be 2 – 3 typed pages written in MLA format. In your text. There’s a model of Miss Brill that you should study and use as a guide for writing your paper. Notice the upper right and left margins of the paper——–everything in the paper is double spaced; set your word processor on double spacing and it won’t need to be changed.————-Font size should be Times New Roman .12.—————-The last page should be a Works Cited page where you will list, alphabetically, the three sources you use.——————–You should summarize the critics ideas IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Even though you are not quoting the critic, you are using the ideas so you still need to give credit to that critic. If you quote the critic, you should do so sparingly, no long quotes. If you mention the critics name in the narrative, you’ll list only the page number in parentheses (22). If you don’t name the critic, you’ll list the name and page number in parentheses (Warren 22). You’ll see examples of this in the model essay. ——————-Let me know if you have questions about this paper.