Describe specific musical numbers as part of your response, and pay particular attention to the ways musical numbers are integrated within the plot.

The report should only be on a short section of the movie soundtrack about 4-5 minutes. It also should be between 800-1000 words.
Characterize the treatment of musical numbers in the film, based on the historical overview and any other musicals you may have seen. What seems most distinctive or noteworthy to you? Describe specific musical numbers as part of your response, and pay particular attention to the ways musical numbers are integrated within the plot. Consider the following, commenting on what seems most relevant and interesting:
• The total sound track: speech and singing, music, and sound effects
• Diegetic music (singing, for example), non-diegetic music, and their
• All musical elements (instrumentation, melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre,
• Musical genre or style
• Lyrics
• Relation between the sound track and character movement (including
• Interaction and balance of sound track elements
• Function of the musical number within the plot
• Significant associations with other films or songs
• Relation of sound track to visuals