Consider a specific company or institution and discuss the key factors that make it sustainable or unsustainable?

Based on lecture notes and assigned readings, be prepared to respond to the following questions:

1) Consider a specific company or institution (A real company or institution, do not use Shall oil), what are the key factors that makes it sustainable or unsustainable?

2) What sustainability principles have been or would be useful for this company or institution?

3) Using the sustainability management principles of the course readings offer a series of brief recommendations as to how the company or institution could be more sustainable than its current operations.

4) In addition, use the Dahl vs Busco readings on clashing views in sustainability management to assess the strategic approach of your recommendation.

This assignment is an oral presentation, so please write more oral. And just answer the question, then please write down the subtitle, the subtitle will be the question. Thank you very much.