Complete “The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?”

Complete “The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?”

Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores.
Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multi modal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Appraise how this awareness of learning attributes influences your perceptions of teaching and learning.
In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise. Include the following:

Provide a summary of your learning style.
List your preferred learning strategies.
Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Discuss how the awareness of individual learning styles, preferences and strategies influence teaching (those who are in a position to teach) and learning (those who are in a position to learn).
Cite a minimum of three references in the paper.
Refer to “VARK Analysis Paper Grading Criteria.”

Although the topic of this assignment refers to your individual learning style, avoid the use of first person tone (words such as, “I, we, our”) in your essay.

Please sign the rubric and the result of my Vark assessment




1)Complete questionnaire. 5
2)Provide a summary of your learning style.15
3)List your preferred learning strategies: 5
4)Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.30
5)Discuss how the awareness of individual learning styles, preferences and strategies influence teaching (those who are in a position to teach) and learning (those who are in a position to learn).40
6)Follow APA style and format, title page appropriately formatted, a minimum of 3 sources are used, Reference page is properly formatted 5

Your scores were:
•Visual: 1
•Aural: 11
•Read/Write: 12
•Kinesthetic: 12
You can find more information about your learning preferences in our downloadable book:

How Do I Learn Best?
a student’s guide to improved learning

More Information…

You have a multimodal (ARK) learning preference.

So multiple preferences give you choices of two or three or four modes to use for your learning and for your interaction with others. Positive reactions mean that those with multimodal preferences choose to match or align their mode to the significant others around them. But, some people have admitted that if they want to be annoying they may stay in a mode different from the person with whom they are working. For example they may ask for written evidence in an argument, knowing that the other person much prefers to use only oral information.

You will need to read two or three or four lists of strategies provided in the VARK Helpsheets. If you have two almost equal preferences please read the study strategies that apply to both preferences. If you have three preferences read the three lists that apply and similarly for those with four. There is obviously no Multimodal helpsheet. One interesting piece of information that people with multimodal preferences have told us, is that it is often necessary for them to use more than one strategy for learning and communicating. They feel insecure with only one. Alternatively those with a single preference often “get it” by using the set of strategies that align with that single preference.

We are also noticing some differences among those who are multimodal and who have chosen fewer than 25 options and those who have chosen more than 30. Those who have chosen fewer than 25 of the options in the questionnaire prefer to see their highest score as their main preference – almost like a single preference and they use each preference mode singly to suit each situation. Those who have a total VARK score larger than 30 tend to use their preferences in combination needing all their preferred modes to get a good understanding. To read more about Multimodality you can download an article written by Neil Fleming here: Multimodality

and this is the work