Compare and contrast the total GDP of the Arab world (the 22 Arab League members) in 2012 (or the available year) with the GDP of EACH ONE of the following countries: India, China, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States in 2012 (or the available year).
1. Access the CIA World Fact book at:
2. Using the menu "Select a Country or Location," compute the total GDP (in US$ billions) of all 22 Arab League members (note that Occupied Palestine is implicitly referred to as "Gaza Strip" and "West Bank", because Israel continues to pressure the U.S. not to recognize Palestine as an independent state) in 2012 (or the available year). You should use ONLY the "GDP ( official exchange rate)" whenever available, NOT the GDP (purchasing power parity).
3. Compare and contrast the total GDP of the Arab world (the 22 Arab League members) in 2012 (or the available year) with the GDP of EACH ONE of the following countries: India, China, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States in 2012 (or the available year).
4. Compare and contrast the total GDP of Israel with the total GDP of the Occupied Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip).
Based on (1) the above compare-and-contrast analysis, (2) the assigned materials about "Who gets what from Middle East oil", and (3) the publicized stereotypes about the wealth of the Arab world, write a 250 to 350 word-essay summarizing your findings and conclusions which MUST be illustrated by citing the correct compared figures from the CIA Fact book and from the assigned materials about "Who gets what from Middle East oil."
Homework 2 is worth 5 points (5 percent of your final grade). Each homework assignment in this course must be formatted as a Microsoft Word file and uploaded through the TurnItIn link (View/Complete) by the deadline.
please write 350 word