Analyze the Film: As It Is in Heaven (2005, Kay Pollak, Sweden)

Your paper is at least 3 pages long (not 2 1/2), but no longer than 4 pages.

You have included a class reading in your paper

Your paper has 1 inch margins on all sides and is Times New Roman font (size: 12pt).

You include a “works cited” page that cites any reading or outside sources you use to find information for your paper.

Your heading includes your Name, Class Title and Date and nothing else (do not add ID numbers, Dr. Kim’s name or any other info).

Page numbers and a title are optional, although they are recommended.

Do not use 1st person language (I, we, me, us) or 2nd person language (you, your, yours).

Do not use contractions (don’t, can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, etc.)

Do not add unnecessary white space to make your paper appear longer.

try to focus more on the planning issues more than summarizing the plot of the movie. If you expand upon the urban planning themes and ideas you should receive a good grade.

Please focus less on summarizing the movie and focus more on the urban planning